rendering & visualization. how do we visualize the alalong way?


Our visualization process is based on a set of principles applicable to a diverse typology of projects, from architecture and interior design to product development and art, as well as to all the types of visualization services that we provide, mentioned in the list below.


We kick things off with a conversation regarding your project and the ways we might be able to assist you, in obtaining the desired outcome. We will present our process, in order for you to know exactly when and what to expect from our collaboration. You will also receive an inquiry form, that allows us to collect the information and materials, necessary for a better understanding of your vision and expectations, regarding the visuals of your project.

a transparent process improves communication
the inquiry form reduces the time required to gather the initial information
efficient exchange of information reduces the risk of major changes occurring during the later stages

Based on the information gathered from the inquiry form, we evaluate the time component, our main currency. Time is naturally influenced by numerous factors, such as: the required type of service, volume of order, number of tasks, scene complexity, files' size and resolution, potential common elements between different set-ups etc. We time-track each factor and we can share this data with you, periodically, throughout the duration of the project.

time is our main currency
every dimension of your project is interpreted through the lens of time
good time estimates enable better cost management for your project

We propose two possible payment methods: hourly-based and fixed-cost. In both cases, we base our offer on a time estimate. Under the hourly-based model, we use an app to track the duration of each individual task, facilitating the creation of a time sheet, readily available to you, at predetermined milestones, enabling you to effectively manage project finances with increased accuracy. For the fixed cost model, in addition to the initial time estimate, we factor in extra-time for unforeseen delays and adjustments. Regardless of the chosen method, we require an advance payment in order to initiate our collaboration. All participating parties retain the right to end the collaboration, at any given moment.

multiple payment methods
time tracking enables better overall project management
readily available time sheets facilitate a more effective financial management
identifying and tracking each task helps anticipating any potential challenges that may arise along the process
advance payment is necessary

We propose a minimum of 3 draft review sessions, for all types of visuals. For each review session we will be providing you with an updated set of files. Within our offer, there's a planning component, outlining all the elements requiring your feedback or approval, for each meeting. The planning is based on identifying the primary visual elements, for your particular scenario, followed by settling the secondary elements, that make the scene complete, in our concluding discussions. The feedback process can be interactive, by sketching directly on the drafts, and it can take place online, from anywhere in the world. Please note that in each session, further adjustments can be made to the components settled only in the immediately preceding session.

a minimum of 3 draft review sessions
for each review session we will provide a list of discussion points in order to achieve clear objectives
for each review session, you will be provided with a pack of updated files
adjustments can be made to the components settled only in the immediately preceding session
interactive feedback process, from anywhere in the world
3D Modeling
Shader development
Light mapping                                                             
Environmental lighting                                                
Rendering and compositing setups                            
3D Visualization                                                         
Virtual Reality (VR)                                                      
Augmented Reality (AR)                                             
if you are interested in working together, let's get to know each other!
you can leave us a message below and we will contact you!


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